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MFC Example: Print Preview in MFC - Dialog

Danang Suharno
January 30, 2000

VC++ Source Codes
DocView architecture in MFC is not at all the fastest way to create a simple print preview. This article will explain How to create your own print preview. MFC DocView is designed to make the MSVC programmers get their works done in a minutes including print preview. Sometimes we need not to use DocView framework but we really need its print preview power. The key of this Print Preview is laying on the following function.

  1. CreateCompatibleBitmap
  2. CreateCompatibleDC
  3. GetDeviceCaps
  4. GetTextExtent
Beside those four functions, Print Preview needs a function that work for scaling and painting on the screen DC. We just lucky to have StretchBlt and BitBlt ready to do the dirty works but sometimes StretchBlt should be replaced by your favourite routine and then BitBlt comes into play. The reason is (maybe) dithering, filtering, anti aliasing etc..
void CDlgAneh::OnButton1()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
// Design and implementation
// 13 Jan 2000 15:14

CString strWords;

// This is a rectangle control
CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_PREVIEW);

CDC* dc;
CDC memoriDC;
CBitmap memBMP;
CBitmap* pOldBMP;
CFont fnt;
CFont* pOldFnt;
CRect rect;
CRect rectMemory;
CSize zMetrix;

CPrintDialog pdlg(FALSE);
CDC prnDC;

di.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO);
di.lpszDocName = "This string will appear in Printer
di.lpszOutput = NULL;
di.lpszDatatype = NULL;
di.fwType = 0;

// Get current printer setting

dc = pWnd->GetDC();

// DC printer???
if( !prnDC.Attach(pdlg.GetPrinterDC()) )
AfxMessageBox("Invalid Printer DC");
memoriDC.CreateCompatibleDC(&prnDC); // Create DC for

// Get the resolution of Screen and Current Default
int iPrnX = prnDC.GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES);
int iPrnY = prnDC.GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES);
int iMonX = dc->GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES); // Device
Target is Monitor
int iMonY = dc->GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES); = 0;
rectMemory.left = 0;
rectMemory.bottom = iPrnY;
rectMemory.right = iPrnX;

// Create a Memory Bitmap that is compatible with the
Printer DC
// then select or make the bitmap as current GDI
active object
rectMemory.Width(), rectMemory.Height());
pOldBMP = memoriDC.SelectObject(&memBMP);

// Clear memory DC or in other words
// paint the bitmap with white colour and transparent
memoriDC.SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 0));
memoriDC.PatBlt(0, 0, rectMemory.Width(),
rectMemory.Height(), WHITENESS);

// Prepare the font
int iPointz = 100;
fnt.CreatePointFont(iPointz, "OCR A", &memoriDC);
strWords.Format("This is line number    ");        //
Test string
pOldFnt = memoriDC.SelectObject(&fnt);
zMetrix = memoriDC.GetTextExtent(strWords);
int iPos = 0;

// Write string or Paint something
int iMaksimal = 0;
int iLineHeight = 1;
int iLoop;
CString strPuncak;

// Calculate how many lines we could fit
for(iLoop = 1; iLoop < 100; iLoop++)
if( ((*iLoop) < iPrnY )

strPuncak.Format("Maximum Amount of line(s) for %d
points are %d lines", iPointz, iMaksimal);

for(iLoop = 0; iLoop < iMaksimal; iLoop++)
strWords.Format("This is line %d", iLoop);
memoriDC.TextOut(0, iLoop*(,

// Reseting font

// Calculate ratio
float fXRatio = (float) iMonX/iPrnX;
float fYRatio = (float) iMonY/iPrnY;

//  iLebar = Width
//  iTinggi = Height
//  iXPosisiPreview = horisontal location of preview
//  iYPosisiPreview = vertical location of preview
int iLebar = rect.Width()*fXRatio;
int iTinggi = rect.Height()*fYRatio;
int iXPosisiPreview = (rect.Width() - iLebar)/2;
int iYPosisiPreview = (rect.Height() - iTinggi)/2;
CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255, 0, 0));
CPen* pOldPen;

// Create an outline
pOldPen = dc->SelectObject(&pen);
dc->Rectangle(iXPosisiPreview, iYPosisiPreview ,
iXPosisiPreview + iLebar + 2 , iYPosisiPreview +
iTinggi + 2);

// Put in the box
dc->StretchBlt(iXPosisiPreview , iYPosisiPreview ,
iLebar, iTinggi,
&memoriDC, 0, 0, rectMemory.Width(),
rectMemory.Height(), SRCCOPY);

// Cleaning Up




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